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Oil Paintings for Sale

Do we have oil paintings for sale? Oh YES! We have oil paintings for sale by art subject, by artist and by art style. You can find works of art by such famous painters as Vincent Van Gogh, Claude Monet and Gustav Klimt, just to name a few. You can browse your favorite art subjects such as landscape paintings, still life paintings, abstract paintings and many more very popular art subjects.

And even browse our galleries by the dominant color of the painting to coordinate your oil painting selection with your interior design color scheme. Just click on our advanced search field.

Our oil paintings are always 100% hand-painted on high grade canvas by one of our skilled artists.

Charles Webster Hawthorne
Item No.: AR19686-5
Sale: from $199.00
Vincent Van Gogh
Item No.: AR67604-5
Sale: from $199.00
Claude Oscar Monet
Item No.: FL20535-2
Sale: from $189.00
Claude Oscar Monet
Item No.: LS20301-4
Sale: from $189.00
Vincent Van Gogh
Item No.: LS67732-4
Sale: from $189.00
Our Original Collection
Item No.: AB80047-4
Sale: from $189.00
Vincent Van Gogh
Item No.: AB68103-3
Sale: from $189.00
Vincent Van Gogh
Item No.: FL75031-2
Sale: from $189.00
Claude Oscar Monet
Item No.: FL75011-3
Sale: from $189.00
Claude Oscar Monet
Item No.: AR20735-5
Sale: from $199.00
Claude Oscar Monet
Item No.: FL21093-2
Sale: from $189.00
Claude Oscar Monet
Item No.: AR20267-5
Sale: from $199.00
Odilon Redon
Item No.: AB55238-5
Sale: from $199.00
Jakab Bogdany
Item No.: FD40991-4
Sale: from $189.00
Vincent Van Gogh
Item No.: LS67685-5
Sale: from $199.00
Claude Oscar Monet
Item No.: FL20291-4
Sale: from $189.00
Vincent Van Gogh
Item No.: SS67558-4
Sale: from $189.00
Vincent Van Gogh
Item No.: LS68090-4
Sale: from $189.00
Our Original Collection
Item No.: AB80012-4
Sale: from $189.00
Vincent Van Gogh
Item No.: FL67891-2
Sale: from $189.00
Claude Oscar Monet
Item No.: AR20682-4
Sale: from $189.00

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